Event Notifications
Event notifications are used to notify people or raise alerts when specific situations occur. The conditions that trigger the notification are described using logical expression stored in the EventsExpression field.
Let's see some examples.
Device sends an emergency message
MessageType('equal', 'PositionReport')
Device sends a message of type PositionMessage
GeofenceEnter('selected', '8bfd6b3d-3f06-4b3a-a178-7087775ff46d')
Device enters a geofence specified with ID
CheckInMessage() AND TimeBetween('09:00', '17:00')
Device sends a Check-In message between 9 AM and 5 PM
Address('contain', 'germany') OR Address('contain', 'france')
Device sends a message and the address retrieved based on location contains Germany or France
Property('EngineTemperature', 'greater', '200') AND DayOfWeek('Sunday,Saturday')
Device sends a message with EngineTemperature field greater than 200 and the day of week is Saturday or Sunday
From these examples you can notice that the expressions use keywords that define events, all events are described on this page. Each event is followed by round brackets, some events have parameters that are always stored as strings using apostrophes. All keywords and parameters are case insensitive.
You can combine mulitple events using AND OR keywords.
Emergency Events
Description | Event and Parameters | Example |
When the device emergency state changes | EmergencyStateChange() | EmergencyStateChange() |
When the device sends an emergency message | Emergency() | Emergency() |
When the device sends an emergency cancel message | EmergencyCancel() | EmergencyCancel() |
When the device is in emergency mode |
minutes - number of minutes |
EmergencyEscalation('30') |
When the device activates man down mode | ManDownStarted() | ManDownStarted() |
When the device deactivates man down mode | ManDownStopped() | ManDownStopped() |
Check-In Events
Description | Event and Parameters | Example |
When the device sends a check-in message | CheckInMessage() | CheckInMessage() |
When the device becomes overdue | Overdue() | Overdue() |
When the device becomes not overdue | OverdueCancel() | OverdueCancel() |
When the device is overdue |
minutes - number of minutes |
OverdueEscalation('0') |
When the device starts monitoring mode | MonitoringStarted() | MonitoringStarted() |
When the device stops monitoring mode | MonitoringStopped() | MonitoringStopped() |
When the check-in schedule is enabled for the device | CheckInScheduleEnabled() | CheckInScheduleEnabled() |
When the check-in schedule is disabled for the device | CheckInScheduleDisabled() | CheckInScheduleDisabled() |
Message Events
Description | Event and Parameters | Example |
When message text |
Message(operator, value)
operator - Contain, NotContain, Equal, Empty, NotEmpty value - value to be compared |
Message('contain', 'nepal') |
When message type |
MessageType(operator, value)
operator - Contain, NotContain, Equal value - value to be compared |
MessageType('equal', 'PositionReport') |
When message recipients |
Recipients(operator, value)
operator - Contain, NotContain, Equal, Empty, NotEmpty value - value to be compared |
Recipients('empty', '') |
When message property |
Property(property, operator, value)
property - property name operator - Contain, NotContain, Greater, Less, Equal, Empty, NotEmpty value - value to be compared |
Property('EngineTemperature', 'greater', '500') |
When address |
Address(operator, value)
operator - Contain, NotContain, Equal, Empty, NotEmpty value - value to be compared |
Address('notcontain', 'france') |
When altitude |
Altitude(operator, value, units, tagObject, tagName)
operator - Greater, Less value - value to be compared when tagObject is None units - m, ft tagObject - None, Device, Geofence, Group, User tagName - name of the object tag |
Altitude('greater', '2000', 'ft', 'None', '') |
When speed |
Speed(operator, value, units, tagObject, tagName)
operator - Greater, Less value - value to be compared when tagObject is None units - kmh, knots, mph, ms tagObject - None, Device, Geofence, Group, User tagName - name of the object tag |
Speed('greater', '', 'kmh', 'Device', 'MaxSpeed') |
When the device sends a position message | Position() | Position() |
When the device sends a message without position | NoPosition() | NoPosition() |
When the device starts moving | MotionAlert() | MotionAlert() |
When the device sends a power on message | PowerOn() | PowerOn() |
When the device sends a power off message | PowerOff | PowerOff() |
When the device battery becomes low | LowBattery | LowBattery() |
When the device hasn't sent any message |
minutes - number of minutes |
NoMessage('1440') |
Geofence Events
Description | Event and Parameters | Example |
When the device enters geofence |
GeofenceEnter(geofenceSelector, geofenceIds, tagName, tagOperator, tagValue)
geofenceSelector - 'any' for any tenant geofence, 'selected' when geofence IDs are specified, 'tag' when tag should be checked geofenceIds - comma delimited list of geofence IDs tagName - name of the object tag tagOperator - Contain, NotContain, Greater, Less, Equal, Empty, NotEmpty tagValue - value to be compared |
GeofenceEnter('selected', '8bfd6b3d-3f06-4b3a-a178-7087775ff46d', '', '', '') |
When the device leaves geofence |
GeofenceLeave(geofenceSelector, geofenceIds)
geofenceSelector - 'any' for any tenant geofence, 'selected' when geofence IDs are specified, 'tag' when tag should be checked geofenceIds - comma delimited list of geofence IDs tagName - name of the object tag tagOperator - Contain, NotContain, Greater, Less, Equal, Empty, NotEmpty tagValue - value to be compared |
GeofenceLeave('tag', '', 'risk', 'greater', '3') |
When the device crosses geofence |
GeofenceCross(geofenceSelector, geofenceIds)
geofenceSelector - 'any' for any tenant geofence, 'selected' when geofence IDs are specified, 'tag' when tag should be checked geofenceIds - comma delimited list of geofence IDs evalIntersect - true when possible pass through should be checked tagName - name of the object tag tagOperator - Contain, NotContain, Greater, Less, Equal, Empty, NotEmpty tagValue - value to be compared |
GeofenceCross('selected', '7b3743b9-4094-4912-8fea-d1dcb3fb1b8c,8b66aa97-32dc-4c9d-8d47-0da0c307b4b9,ca76d9ab-c507-472e-b4de-9de8a7368763', 'true', '', '', '') |
When the device is inside geofence |
GeofenceInside(geofenceSelector, geofenceIds)
geofenceSelector - 'any' for any tenant geofence, 'selected' when geofence IDs are specified, 'tag' when tag should be checked geofenceIds - comma delimited list of geofence IDs tagName - name of the object tag tagOperator - Contain, NotContain, Greater, Less, Equal, Empty, NotEmpty tagValue - value to be compared |
GeofenceInside('selected', '8bfd6b3d-3f06-4b3a-a178-7087775ff46d', '', '', '') |
When the device is outside geofence |
GeofenceOutside(geofenceSelector, geofenceIds)
geofenceSelector - 'any' for any tenant geofence, 'selected' when geofence IDs are specified, 'tag' when tag should be checked geofenceIds - comma delimited list of geofence IDs tagName - name of the object tag tagOperator - Contain, NotContain, Greater, Less, Equal, Empty, NotEmpty tagValue - value to be compared |
GeofenceOutside('selected', '8bfd6b3d-3f06-4b3a-a178-7087775ff46d', '', '', '') |
When the distance from point of interest is less than |
Placemark(placemarkId, meters)
placemarkId - point of interrest ID meters - distance in meters |
Placemark('9f4d38ea-b3f2-4662-8453-4601129886f9', '10000') |
Time Events
Description | Event and Parameters | Example |
When the day is |
days - comma delimited list with Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday |
DayOfWeek('Monday,Wednesday,Friday') |
When the date is |
date - date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
Date('2016-01-27') |
When the date is between |
DateBetween(start, end)
start - start date in YYYY-MM-DD format end - end date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
DateBetween('2016-01-01', '2016-12-31') |
When the time of a day is |
time - time in HH:MM format |
Time('09:00') |
When the time of a day is between |
TimeBetween(start, end)
start - start time in HH:MM format end - end time in HH:MM format |
TimeBetween('09:00', '17:00') |
Time Zones
Time Zone Id | Time Zone Name |
Dateline Standard Time | (UTC-12:00) International Date Line West |
UTC-11 | (UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time-11 |
Hawaiian Standard Time | (UTC-10:00) Hawaii |
Alaskan Standard Time | (UTC-09:00) Alaska |
Pacific Standard Time (Mexico) | (UTC-08:00) Baja California |
Pacific Standard Time | (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) |
US Mountain Standard Time | (UTC-07:00) Arizona |
Mountain Standard Time (Mexico) | (UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan |
Mountain Standard Time | (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) |
Central America Standard Time | (UTC-06:00) Central America |
Central Standard Time | (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) |
Central Standard Time (Mexico) | (UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey |
Canada Central Standard Time | (UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan |
SA Pacific Standard Time | (UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito |
Eastern Standard Time | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) |
US Eastern Standard Time | (UTC-05:00) Indiana (East) |
Venezuela Standard Time | (UTC-04:30) Caracas |
Paraguay Standard Time | (UTC-04:00) Asuncion |
Atlantic Standard Time | (UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada) |
Central Brazilian Standard Time | (UTC-04:00) Cuiaba |
SA Western Standard Time | (UTC-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan |
Pacific SA Standard Time | (UTC-04:00) Santiago |
Newfoundland Standard Time | (UTC-03:30) Newfoundland |
E. South America Standard Time | (UTC-03:00) Brasilia |
Argentina Standard Time | (UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires |
SA Eastern Standard Time | (UTC-03:00) Cayenne, Fortaleza |
Greenland Standard Time | (UTC-03:00) Greenland |
Montevideo Standard Time | (UTC-03:00) Montevideo |
Bahia Standard Time | (UTC-03:00) Salvador |
UTC-02 | (UTC-02:00) Coordinated Universal Time-02 |
Mid-Atlantic Standard Time | (UTC-02:00) Mid-Atlantic |
Azores Standard Time | (UTC-01:00) Azores |
Cape Verde Standard Time | (UTC-01:00) Cape Verde Is. |
Morocco Standard Time | (UTC) Casablanca |
UTC | (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time |
GMT Standard Time | (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London |
Greenwich Standard Time | (UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik |
W. Europe Standard Time | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna |
Central Europe Standard Time | (UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague |
Romance Standard Time | (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris |
Central European Standard Time | (UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb |
W. Central Africa Standard Time | (UTC+01:00) West Central Africa |
Namibia Standard Time | (UTC+01:00) Windhoek |
GTB Standard Time | (UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest |
Middle East Standard Time | (UTC+02:00) Beirut |
Egypt Standard Time | (UTC+02:00) Cairo |
Syria Standard Time | (UTC+02:00) Damascus |
E. Europe Standard Time | (UTC+02:00) E. Europe |
South Africa Standard Time | (UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria |
FLE Standard Time | (UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius |
Turkey Standard Time | (UTC+02:00) Istanbul |
Israel Standard Time | (UTC+02:00) Jerusalem |
Jordan Standard Time | (UTC+03:00) Amman |
Arabic Standard Time | (UTC+03:00) Baghdad |
Kaliningrad Standard Time | (UTC+03:00) Kaliningrad, Minsk |
Arab Standard Time | (UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh |
E. Africa Standard Time | (UTC+03:00) Nairobi |
Iran Standard Time | (UTC+03:30) Tehran |
Arabian Standard Time | (UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat |
Azerbaijan Standard Time | (UTC+04:00) Baku |
Russian Standard Time | (UTC+04:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd |
Mauritius Standard Time | (UTC+04:00) Port Louis |
Georgian Standard Time | (UTC+04:00) Tbilisi |
Caucasus Standard Time | (UTC+04:00) Yerevan |
Afghanistan Standard Time | (UTC+04:30) Kabul |
Pakistan Standard Time | (UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi |
West Asia Standard Time | (UTC+05:00) Tashkent |
India Standard Time | (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi |
Sri Lanka Standard Time | (UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura |
Nepal Standard Time | (UTC+05:45) Kathmandu |
Central Asia Standard Time | (UTC+06:00) Astana |
Bangladesh Standard Time | (UTC+06:00) Dhaka |
Ekaterinburg Standard Time | (UTC+06:00) Ekaterinburg |
Myanmar Standard Time | (UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon) |
SE Asia Standard Time | (UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta |
N. Central Asia Standard Time | (UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk |
China Standard Time | (UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi |
North Asia Standard Time | (UTC+08:00) Krasnoyarsk |
Singapore Standard Time | (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore |
W. Australia Standard Time | (UTC+08:00) Perth |
Taipei Standard Time | (UTC+08:00) Taipei |
Ulaanbaatar Standard Time | (UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatar |
North Asia East Standard Time | (UTC+09:00) Irkutsk |
Tokyo Standard Time | (UTC+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo |
Korea Standard Time | (UTC+09:00) Seoul |
Cen. Australia Standard Time | (UTC+09:30) Adelaide |
AUS Central Standard Time | (UTC+09:30) Darwin |
E. Australia Standard Time | (UTC+10:00) Brisbane |
AUS Eastern Standard Time | (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney |
West Pacific Standard Time | (UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby |
Tasmania Standard Time | (UTC+10:00) Hobart |
Yakutsk Standard Time | (UTC+10:00) Yakutsk |
Central Pacific Standard Time | (UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia |
Vladivostok Standard Time | (UTC+11:00) Vladivostok |
New Zealand Standard Time | (UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington |
UTC+12 | (UTC+12:00) Coordinated Universal Time+12 |
Fiji Standard Time | (UTC+12:00) Fiji |
Magadan Standard Time | (UTC+12:00) Magadan |
Kamchatka Standard Time | (UTC+12:00) Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Old |
Tonga Standard Time | (UTC+13:00) Nuku'alofa |
Samoa Standard Time | (UTC+13:00) Samoa |
Culture Names
Culture Name | Display Name | ISO 639x Value |
af-ZA | Afrikaans - South Africa | AFK |
sq-AL | Albanian - Albania | SQI |
ar-DZ | Arabic - Algeria | ARG |
ar-BH | Arabic - Bahrain | ARH |
ar-EG | Arabic - Egypt | ARE |
ar-IQ | Arabic - Iraq | ARI |
ar-JO | Arabic - Jordan | ARJ |
ar-KW | Arabic - Kuwait | ARK |
ar-LB | Arabic - Lebanon | ARB |
ar-LY | Arabic - Libya | ARL |
ar-MA | Arabic - Morocco | ARM |
ar-OM | Arabic - Oman | ARO |
ar-QA | Arabic - Qatar | ARQ |
ar-SA | Arabic - Saudi Arabia | ARA |
ar-SY | Arabic - Syria | ARS |
ar-TN | Arabic - Tunisia | ART |
ar-AE | Arabic - United Arab Emirates | ARU |
ar-YE | Arabic - Yemen | ARY |
hy-AM | Armenian - Armenia | |
Cy-az-AZ | Azeri (Cyrillic) - Azerbaijan | |
Lt-az-AZ | Azeri (Latin) - Azerbaijan | |
eu-ES | Basque - Basque | EUQ |
be-BY | Belarusian - Belarus | BEL |
bg-BG | Bulgarian - Bulgaria | BGR |
ca-ES | Catalan - Catalan | CAT |
zh-CN | Chinese - China | CHS |
zh-HK | Chinese - Hong Kong SAR | ZHH |
zh-MO | Chinese - Macau SAR | |
zh-SG | Chinese - Singapore | ZHI |
zh-TW | Chinese - Taiwan | CHT |
zh-CHS | Chinese (Simplified) | |
zh-CHT | Chinese (Traditional) | |
hr-HR | Croatian - Croatia | HRV |
cs-CZ | Czech - Czech Republic | CSY |
da-DK | Danish - Denmark | DAN |
div-MV | Dhivehi - Maldives | |
nl-BE | Dutch - Belgium | NLB |
nl-NL | Dutch - The Netherlands | |
en-AU | English - Australia | ENA |
en-BZ | English - Belize | ENL |
en-CA | English - Canada | ENC |
en-CB | English - Caribbean | ENB |
en-IE | English - Ireland | ENI |
en-JM | English - Jamaica | ENJ |
en-NZ | English - New Zealand | ENZ |
en-PH | English - Philippines | ENP |
en-ZA | English - South Africa | ENS |
en-TT | English - Trinidad and Tobago | ENT |
en-GB | English - United Kingdom | ENG |
en-US | English - United States | ENU |
en-ZW | English - Zimbabwe | ENW |
et-EE | Estonian - Estonia | ETI |
fo-FO | Faroese - Faroe Islands | FOS |
fa-IR | Farsi - Iran | FAR |
fi-FI | Finnish - Finland | FIN |
fr-BE | French - Belgium | FRB |
fr-CA | French - Canada | FRC |
fr-FR | French - France | FRA |
fr-LU | French - Luxembourg | FRL |
fr-MC | French - Monaco | FRM |
fr-CH | French - Switzerland | FRS |
gl-ES | Galician - Galician | |
ka-GE | Georgian - Georgia | |
de-AT | German - Austria | DEA |
de-DE | German - Germany | DEU |
de-LI | German - Liechtenstein | DEC |
de-LU | German - Luxembourg | DEL |
de-CH | German - Switzerland | DES |
el-GR | Greek - Greece | ELL |
gu-IN | Gujarati - India | |
he-IL | Hebrew - Israel | HEB |
hi-IN | Hindi - India | HIN |
hu-HU | Hungarian - Hungary | HUN |
is-IS | Icelandic - Iceland | ISL |
id-ID | Indonesian - Indonesia | IND |
it-IT | Italian - Italy | |
it-CH | Italian - Switzerland | ITS |
ja-JP | Japanese - Japan | JPN |
kn-IN | Kannada - India | |
kk-KZ | Kazakh - Kazakhstan | |
kok-IN | Konkani - India | |
ko-KR | Korean - Korea | KOR |
ky-KZ | Kyrgyz - Kazakhstan | |
lv-LV | Latvian - Latvia | LVI |
lt-LT | Lithuanian - Lithuania | LTH |
mk-MK | Macedonian (FYROM) | MKD |
ms-BN | Malay - Brunei | MSB |
ms-MY | Malay - Malaysia | MSL |
mr-IN | Marathi - India | |
mn-MN | Mongolian - Mongolia | |
nb-NO | Norwegian (Bokmål) - Norway | NOR |
nn-NO | Norwegian (Nynorsk) - Norway | NON |
pl-PL | Polish - Poland | PLK |
pt-BR | Portuguese - Brazil | PTB |
pt-PT | Portuguese - Portugal | PIG |
pa-IN | Punjabi - India | |
ro-RO | Romanian - Romania | ROM |
ru-RU | Russian - Russia | RUS |
sa-IN | Sanskrit - India | |
Cy-sr-SP | Serbian (Cyrillic) - Serbia | |
Lt-sr-SP | Serbian (Latin) - Serbia | |
sk-SK | Slovak - Slovakia | SKY |
sl-SI | Slovenian - Slovenia | SLV |
es-AR | Spanish - Argentina | ESS |
es-BO | Spanish - Bolivia | ESB |
es-CL | Spanish - Chile | ESL |
es-CO | Spanish - Colombia | ESO |
es-CR | Spanish - Costa Rica | ESC |
es-DO | Spanish - Dominican Republic | ESD |
es-EC | Spanish - Ecuador | ESF |
es-SV | Spanish - El Salvador | ESE |
es-GT | Spanish - Guatemala | ESG |
es-HN | Spanish - Honduras | ESH |
es-MX | Spanish - Mexico | ESM |
es-NI | Spanish - Nicaragua | ESI |
es-PA | Spanish - Panama | ESA |
es-PY | Spanish - Paraguay | ESZ |
es-PE | Spanish - Peru | ESR |
es-PR | Spanish - Puerto Rico | ES |
es-ES | Spanish - Spain | ESN |
es-UY | Spanish - Uruguay | ESY |
es-VE | Spanish - Venezuela | ESV |
sw-KE | Swahili - Kenya | |
sv-FI | Swedish - Finland | SVF |
sv-SE | Swedish - Sweden | SVE |
syr-SY | Syriac - Syria | |
ta-IN | Tamil - India | |
tt-RU | Tatar - Russia | |
te-IN | Telugu - India | |
th-TH | Thai - Thailand | THA |
tr-TR | Turkish - Turkey | TRK |
uk-UA | Ukrainian - Ukraine | UKR |
ur-PK | Urdu - Pakistan | URD |
Cy-uz-UZ | Uzbek (Cyrillic) - Uzbekistan | |
Lt-uz-UZ | Uzbek (Latin) - Uzbekistan | |
vi-VN | Vietnamese - Vietnam | VIT |