Adding, editing and deleting tenants

Add a new tenant

To add a new tenant:

  1. Click "Options"
  2. Click "Tenants"
  3. Click "+"
  4. Select the parent tenant from the "Parent Tenant" drop-down list
  5. Enter a name for the new tenant in the "Tenant Name" field
  6. Select the types of devices that should be available to add to the new tenant from the list of device names
  7. Click "OK"

Editing a tenant

To edit an existing tenant:

  1. Click "Options"
  2. Click "Tenants"
  3. Click on the name of the tenant you wish to edit

To change the tenant name, contacts and default display settings:

  1. Click "Edit"
  2. Amend settings as required
  3. Click "OK"

To change available device types:

  1. Click "Device Types"
  2. Select / deselect devices as required
  3. Click "OK"

To change available map types:

  1. Click "Map Types"
  2. Select / deselect map types as required
  3. Click "OK"

To change available map overlays:

  1. Click "Map Overlays"
  2. Select / deselect map overlays as required
  3. Click "OK"

Deleting a tenant

Note: You cannot delete a tenant unless you first delete all devices and users in that tenant. Deleting a tenant is irreversible and any data lost cannot be recovered.

  1. Click "Options"
  2. Click "Tenants"
  3. Click on the name of the tenant you wish to edit
  4. Click "Yes, Delete"