How to configure your IsatPhone 2 for use with GAP

Before you can use you phone with GAP, you must ensure that you have provisioned the handset for airtime with your service provider.

These instructions are for production use only. If you have been given access to a demo or trial account, then these instructions may not apply. Please contact your administrator or service provider.

On the portal, when adding the device, you must use the allocated phone number as the Device Id, not the IMEI number.


The phone supports 3 princicpal message types:

For more information, please consult the Location Services section of the IsatPhone 2 User Guide.

The User Guide asks you to select a Contact to send messages to. You should create an entry in the phonebook as follows:

Email Address:

Then choose this contact as the recipient of all message types.

Please note that the Assistance Alert message type will raise an emergency in the portal.